Use of ESSER Funds - Floyd County Stakeholders Survey!
ARP/ESSER funding is available to help safely reopen schools and address the impacts of the pandemic on students’ academic, social, emotional and mental health needs, including interventions to address “learning loss” — delays in students' academic progress related to the pandemic — and support equity with services and supports for student populations that have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.
The district must submit a detailed plan to the Kentucky Department of Education explaining how it will use ARP/ESSER funds to address student needs.
Therefore, the district is seeking feedback from stakeholders, such as parents, students, employees and community members, to assist in developing its plan, and specifically the use of these funds.
Stakeholders wishing to participate in this process should complete the district’s survey.
We will stop accepting responses for this survey on July 27th at noon.
Click on Read Full Story to vote.